
Solitaire of Another Kind

While I am talking about self-pleasure, it’s not exactly what you might immediately assume I’m referring to. Korea is a fantastic (elastic) place to get out and walk around in! Everywhere I go, I’ve learned to keep my eyes open, scanning the views. I strut my stuff as I walk by businesses and restaurants etc., always glancing inside to see if there’s any potential (every so often there is, and it makes me smile). Lunch hour is absolutely one of the best times to be walking about: crowds of men in their shirts and pants (ties and jackets off), and naturally, there’s always at least one that piques my interest.

This has culminated in some little games I play with myself due to, as mentioned many times before, sex on the brain. It also keeps me busy when I have no chance of getting some action in. The best places to play solitary are the social areas, which are the crown jewels for people watching (people are out to see and be seen at all times of day and night!)

First, (and I’ve mentioned this before as well – see Fresh Meat) is the “hot men I’d do” count. This can be played at anytime or anywhere and by anyone, and the rules are simple (and can be broken at anytime): as you are wandering about, use the following four labels on any man that you see: yes, no, depends on his personality, maybe if I were drunk – it really makes you think about the type of man you go for and it might surprise you how many you say yes (or no) to. It also introduces thoughts regarding pity or drunken sex and whether your standards drop, or simply change, depending on the circumstances – not something I had done before Korea.

Second, on the subway/bus/in the coffee shop/bar/enclosed space of any kind except for taxis, select at least one man that you have to do: considering the circumstances, there is usually one that’s of pretty solid quality, which just goes to show that there is a huge number of potential anywhere in the world at anytime.

Third and last, although this only works if you are with another person with the same sexual interests as yourself. At anytime, exclaim “yours” or “mine” which, naturally, represents whether you are claiming the person for yourself or forcing the person onto your friend. Childish? Definitely. Fun? Maybe, but it can be educational and spur discussions that might not have happened before.

So these are my games, but I haven’t yet heard of any Korean ones? If you know of any other kinds of games, then please let me know! The more I can pleasure myself with, the merrier! KTYL.

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